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Accelerated Coaching Package


To "create" a significant desired outcome in any one of the areas of your life that you are not currently happy with.


  • One 30-minute phone or webcam conversation to teach you EFT and clear up any issues you may be experiencing at the present moment*.
  • Three 30-minute distance reconnective healing sessions*.
  • 5 or more email messages that you will receive from me with questions designed specifically to determine any unconscious blocks you may have to achieving your dreams.
  • An analysis of your answers to the questions provided as to where we will focus healing/clearing along with an outline of a simple plan-of-action that you can take to overcome any limiting beliefs or other blocks to achieving your dreams.
  • Four 45-minute coaching sessions.
  • 5-15 minute daily check-in (weekdays) with me either by phone or email to make sure you're on the accelerated path to creating abundance.
  • Unlimited response to any email you send me with questions, concerns or requests for help in clearing up limiting beliefs, emotional issues or other blocks.

Program may be modified and/or other modalities used to ensure designated goal is reached.

* If you are local, we can meet in person if you prefer.

Investment: $595 / mo

Note: Unlimited email spans over a one-month time period. Other features of this package may span over a period longer than one month at no extra charge, however, to achieve the desired goal, we would need to complete the bullet items above in a one-month period of time.