When you can't seem to muster up a positive attitude...
I know how hard it can be. Sometimes its seems darn near impossible to be positive when things aren't the way you want them to be.
But instead of complaining and worrying and focusing on what you don't want, whenever you're frustrated, try one or more of the following statements instead...
- I'll be happy when this gets better
- I wish for this to be better,
- God, please bring me something better,
- I'm glad this is getting better,
- I know this is gonna get better,
- I CHOOSE for this to get better
Keep saying it over and over again if you have to... until it becomes a habit for you to look to something better whenever things aren't as you want them to be.
I spent a few months with my father when he was having some major health issues. When I noticed that he complained A LOT about his pain and such, I made this suggestion to him. And you know what... he did it and he got better! |
EFT Corner
Try the following EFT statements to help you see that things will get better:
- Even though I can't seem to muster up a positive attitude, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
- Even though I just don't feel like being positive right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and look forward to things getting better.
- Even though it seems like things will never be better, I accept myself and the ebb and flow of life and look forward to the flow. |