The Secret Formula
Sundi Bright

As America celebrates its Independence on July 4th, I want to make you an offer to experience your own kind of freedom and independence!


Because I am proud to be an American helping others to experience freedom from the subconscious patterns that limit them, I am offering savings to you this Independence Day.

To celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, I am offering you $49 off the regular price of $125 for a FULL SESSION at the Independence Day rate of $76.

Unfortunately, many of us are not free from the stuck energy of past traumas, emotional turmoil, undesirable situations and the like. These types of situations cause disruptions in our energy fields… stuck energy that contributes to “problems”. I can see these situations and heal the resulting energy patterns, shifting you into a different perspective, feeling state, and vibration that allows for and is in alignment with your true desire(s).

From now through Friday, July 17th, you may purchase a FULL SESSION at the discounted rate of $76. You may purchase sessions for your loved ones at this same rate.

Here's what one client had to say about my healing services:

Sundi has illuminated many important key pieces of information that have unlocked the doors to a greater perspective and understanding in my path and spiritual progress. The readings got at some very strong images that resonated sometimes to tears.

Immediately after the session, I felt something had been worked through, I felt transformed. I also noticed a stronger belief in truth within along with a feeling of being clearer, lighter and freer. As a result of Sundi’s work, my perspective shifted towards bracing my inner instinct and intuition. Sundi made it possible to notice the truth within.” 

-Elysya, MD

It can be fun and enlightening to discover and shift the patterns that keep you away from who you really are. This type of healing will create positive shifts in many areas of your life and the possibilities for your evolution, expansion and spiritual awareness are unlimited and I hope to have the opportunity to assist you on your journey.

In loving light,

Sundi Bright
Transformation Specialist