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The Secret Formula
Sundi Bright

Dear ,

Are you ready for real transformation, real quickly?

I’m excited to announce some incredible developments in my work that are creating huge shifts for my clients in just one session!

Until recently, my sessions have been long and draining, resulting in the inability to do more than 2 or 3 a day to be effective.

I’ve had to use The Secret Formula myself to resolve this energy imbalance and I’m happy with the developments!

I had been laboring (lovingly) through viewing and healing emotional patterns, belief patterns, specific incidents, foundational patterns, resistance patterns, thought processes, global patterns, etc. etc., and although healing these patterns has been very beneficial, it was also unnecessary!

So many of these patterns are the result of one specific aspect of your individual energy field, which was created as a result of different experiences, or possibly even the same experiences experienced in different ways for the purpose of getting you to realize your spirit wants you to overcome this, get past it and move on to something way more cool! Sorry about the run on sentence, but you get the point! I hope :-).

The point is, that even though I will always work to give you your money’s worth, my sessions will now be less overwhelming and result in bigger shifts and even miracles! I’m that confident about the work!

Healing anything involves looking at specific patterns that have been created by past events that have in turn built defense mechanisms that have often led to the hurting of others (karma). And the cycle continues until you drop the ego that insists on protecting itself from further hurt. Energetically, healing can be sent to these patterns that I “see” in my sessions. Heal these patterns and you heal the “problem”.

The “problem” (physical issue or otherwise) is a wake-up call! Our spirit wants our true self (that is hiding under the ego issues) to come out and be all that you really are!

Here’s an example. I recently had a client who was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. In her case, I saw a fight that was literally shown to me as manifesting as the tumor in her breast. That persisted because of an unmoving stance on her position. And the unmoving stance came from a past history of being forcibly moved from her position. It is the ego that needs to be defeated in order to create the victory of healing any situation! Discovering what has created that ego trait helps to defeat the ego and its menacing ways in your life!

I would love to help you claim victory over your ego and until the end of August I will do so at the reduced rate of $71.44 for the session!

I expect my schedule to fill up quickly and so I have also devised a way for you to see results as you purchase your session and complete the subsequent form. Hint: the odd price is part of the magic.

Here are some emails and testimonials I’ve received in the short time I’ve been doing sessions in this way:

“I felt an amazing shift from my reading and feel like this was the best thing I could ever had done for my family. I highly recommend Sundi as a healer and reader. You will notice a shift almost immediately....”

“I am planning to write a testimonial. I had an amazing and quick transformation! I am referring a good friend.”

“Oh Sundi, so many wonderful things have been happening, I will write you soon with the low down very soon...
much love to you, thank you for your help”

“There certainly have been a change of events that have happened in the last couple weeks and I feel I am in a better place!”

I hope to have the opportunity to be of service to you and your spirit.

In loving light,

logo Sundi Bright
Transformation Specialist