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As a law-of-attraction coach and psychic healer, my goal is to uncover the truth that feels good because feeling good will help you manifest a better life experience in every way.

sundi bright psychic healerIn a psychic reading, I can see past situations including past life experiences, that may be affecting you today and possibly blocking what you want. I work to clear these negative energies and look for the truth and positive aspects that will empower you and raise your vibration to a level that attracts / manifests / creates what you want. I will also help you gain a positive perspective by recognizing your strengths, soul abilities, gifts, experiences and/or potential that may be suppressed by the detrimental subconscious patterns. I also use a little Matrix Energetics magic to help shift you to the beautiful, happy and abundant YOU that is your birthright!

This type of healing work can help you in many areas of your life, whether related to your health / body image / appearance, finances / career / job, or relationships / finding love, and I’d love the opportunity to assist you on your journey.

In addition to 20+ years of personal study, I have been trained & certified in the following modalities:

  • Anastasi System of Psychic Development taught by Carl Woodall
  • Matrix Energetics
  • Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)