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Energetic Mini-Sessions

Energetic Mini-Sessions have been developed for the purpose of providing mini-sessionsspecific energetic services.

Currently, I have made available the following mini-sessions:

Chakra Repair / Cleanse

During this mini-session, I tune into your lightbody and observe the color of your aura, and scan each individual chakra for any problems in spin/torque, shape, or color. I also check for distortion and other intrusions such as thought forms that are creating imbalance in your energy field. I then apply healing energy in a number of different ways.

Once your aura is at full strength, you will find pure energy and harmony deep inside. Keeping your aura strong is a matter of following the concepts taught in my Consciousness 101 Course.

3rd Eye Cleansing / Opening / Activation

A fully functioning 3rd eye is the key to better intuition, higher intelligence and clairvoyance. During this session, I will scan your 3rd eye chakra for any debri and apply cleansing energy. I will also perform a routine to energetically connect the pineal gland in the brain to the occipital lobe. Performing this step allows for greater understanding of the images you may see.

Energetic Beauty Treatment

Soothing and vitalizing frequencies can be applied to the areas of concern to heal, rejuvenate, and vitalize the area.

Etheric Cord Cutting

Whenever a fear-based attachment has been established between you and another, a cord is constructed between the two of you. When a needy person has formed an attachment to you, that person can suck your own energy from you through this etheric cord. You may feel tired or sad after you've dealt with someone and this is because this person has just drawn on your power or sent you toxic energy through the cord.

During this mini-session, I will scan your lightbody for these etheric cords, cut and repair any damage that's been done.

Business Booster

Everything is energy and this includes your business. I can look at your business as a pattern and detect any abnormalities or darkness that is effecting your business. I can then clear blocks and send healing and revitalizing energy to the pattern.

School / Test Assistance

If you need help with focus and memory, this mini-session will be useful to you.

Relationship Harmony

If you've had an argument with a loved one and there is an uncomfortable discord between the two of you, this session will benefit you. I can look for patterns that need healed and help shift the situation into a happier one.





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