Now available!
Utilizing the law-of-attraction in a way that works for you has never been easier or more effective. This app provides you with the formula that will help you transform negative situations into positive experiences and create/manifest the life you want.
Is there something you want to manifest? Complete a form that guides you into the right vibration and submit your request to the universe!
Is there a situation that is bothering you? The 6 steps contained in this app will guide you to a state-of-mind that gives you access to positive change!
Use it to setup your day for success. It only takes about 10 minutes and you'll actually start to love getting up in the morning when you have this tool to help you make it a great day!
The possibilities are endless! With this formula in your purse or pocket, anytime you're experiencing an uncomfortable situation, open the app, enter the information you're prompted for, and watch your situation transform!
There is a lot of contradictory information out there regarding the law-of-attraction, and this formula helps you make sense of it all by tying the true concepts together in a way that makes sense and most importantly, works!
Not only that, but this app makes it fun and interesting to work the formula from anywhere!
This app is based on my work in The Bright Future Workbook. Here are a few testimonials from clients using this formula:

"I want you to know that the Bright Future Workbook is having a profound effect on my life. Besides benefiting from the exercises, it seems that reading your material has helped me open up to the Universe as I never imagined I could possibly do again. AND although I've used some of your processes for several years, it's working for me like never before.
Let me thank you for making all of this possible. Your material is beyond fantastic! :o)"

"I started using The Secret Formula about 6 weeks ago and have seen big transformations in my life. The big changes in my life I’ve requested and have manifested to real changes in my life today are:
- I commanded to be in a strong loving, caring, and sincere marriage (I was planning my exit plan, divorce. Both my wife and I have changed for the better, “The LOVE is back!” When you change, life around you changes!)
-My neighbor has been fighting and arguing with me over 2 years over meaningless things such as my leaves falling into her backyard. (The changes in me caused me to reach out to her and apologize. My neighbor now talks, waves, laughs and helps me with my yard)
-I am physically in the best shape I’ve been in since high school, losing 30lbs & 7 inches off my waist.
-I’ve regain my true inner spirit of Happiness, Joy and Fun-Loving.
Thanks Sundi."

"I am a trained doctoral level therapist who has used cognitive behavioral therapy for years with patients, and yet your system seems to be the easiest, most sane, logical and least trendy or gimicky system I have found and am so excited about what it can do for my patients but most of all (selfishly) for myself and I am forever grateful."

With this formula available to so many more people, it will change my business a bit, so before this app hits iTunes, I want to make you a special offer.