Thank you for completing The Secret Formula's healing form. Completing this form initiates the process of transformation. If you wish to be present either in person, over the phone or via skype and have not scheduled your session yet, you may do so at Otherwise, I will plug you into my next available time slot and email you a confirmation. After completing the form, I recommend you think about life as a game and your problem as something you conquer to move on to the victory of your desire. The more neutral you can be, the more clear the path is to your desire. Gratitude is like a boost of extra power that moves you closer to what you want more quickly. Think of as many things as you can think of to be grateful for in your current situation, and bring these things back to mind if you start to feel down. In your session, I will be looking for the subconscious and underlying patterns that have created what you don't want so that they may be healed in a way that shifts you into alignment with what you do want. The information I provide to you during your session, along with energy healing that is sent will help you make the shift to alignment with your desire, if you are willing to accept let go of old subconscious programs and accept the new. I recommend completing the steps of The Secret Formula (which is essentially what you just did in this form) any time you feel negative emotions and/or experience events in your life you don't want. The Secret Formula iPhone app is an easy and convenient way to walk yourself through these steps. A web version of this app is available with your subscription to my Consciousness 101 program. This program will teach you how and why this process works, in addition to providing the ideas and inspiration that will keep you experiencing the expansion and growth that leads to a limitless existance. I look forward to your session! In loving light, Sundi Bright