Transformational Healing Form

Align/Attune Intake Form

Completing this form creates an imprint of what you want in the field of possibilities

Align/Attune Intake Form

It is YOU that actually creates the possibility of what you want and this is where you do so.

What you do when you answer the following questions is imprint your desire onto the vast field of potential, so make this count!

Be clear on what you want and express gratitude as if you already have it. A record is imprinted in the ethers when you do so and in your session, I access this record, clear energy that blocks you from it, while channeling to you elements from nature that raise your vibration to match your desire.

Try not to even mention what you DON'T want. Only focus on what your life would be like if you weren't experiencing what you don't want. In other words, if you were past the problem and experiencing what you DO want.

Keep in mind, BIG requests (like winning the lottery) mean BIG changes in your energy and BIG releases are necessary to bring you to the vibration that will create your desire. If you're ready for this, that's great! If not, focus on the next step in your journey... one that you're ready for and willing to release all that gets in the way of you having it. Spirit will show me what is possible now or in the near future given the release that will take place and what the physical body can handle.


Align/Attune Session Questionnaire

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
If there is a 'problem' you wish to transform, please describe it in the most accepting way you know how… as if this has been an experience that would teach you something or be of benefit in some way… and now you’re simply ready for a new experience.
(Important: State as if you're telling a friend what you've received, or what you've been doing, etc)
(Important: State as if you're already doing it)
(Important: State as if you're experiencing your desire right now)
(Important: State as if you're telling your story of HOW your desire manifested.)

Please enter the word that you see below.