Transformational Healing Form

Mother-of-all-EFT setups questionnaire

Completing this form provides information that can be plugged into the MOAES template   

Mother-of-all-EFT setups questionnaire

In order to connect with your energy field, I do need some personal information from you along with the details of what you want to transform.

Sessions are designed to discover and heal the underlying patterns that contribute to the creation of one specific issue. You may experience transformation in many areas of your life when working on the one issue, but please complete the form based on one "problem" you most want to transform or one desire you wish to manifest.

By completing this form, you should see significant shifts even before I do the energy work. It will also demonstrate how this formula can help you experience positive shifts in any area of your life you find uncomfortable or to be a problem. Not all of the fields are required, but the more complete you are in the form (as it relates to one issue you want to focus on in this session), the more insights you may have and the awareness will help create more of a shift.

Click on the numbers (1-6) to get a better idea of why these question are asked and how you can use this process in your life to transform problems and manifest what you desire.     

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.