emotional cause

Acne - Healing the Emotional Cause

Becoming aware of the subconscious patterns contributing to any "problem" can lead to healing

Acne - Healing the Emotional Cause

Healing the acne emotional cause is the first step in clearing the physical problem. Acne can be a real problem for your self-esteem, but it turns out that acne emotional causeacne can be healed when you become aware of the emotional issue that's getting under skin.

When you're aware of the core emotions behind the problem, you can use EFT to neutralize them. When you use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to clear up the emotional issues that cause your acne problem, the result is clear skin!

The trick is knowing what that core emotional cause is. The Secret Formula helps you gain insights into the emotional cause of the acne (or any other problem you want to transform), and guides you to healing.

Although in my healing work I have found core causes can be very specific to the individual, the EFT statements below utilize Louise Hay's emotional interpretation of the physical problem and may help you. If you are not resonating with Louise Hay's acne emotional causes, my free eBook offers some examples of core causes of acne that have been discovered in some of my clients. I have had lots of experience with healing acne and some unexpected causes for the acne have shown up in my sessions.

EFT works best when you know the core emotional cause of your acne.

My free eBook not only teaches you the EFT technique, but also contains a secret method that will help you discover what the core emotional cause is.

For even better results, let me help you create effective EFT statements by accessing the core emotional reasons clairvoyantly, then using my brand new (as of June 2023) mother-of-all EFT setups template to cover all contributing patterns.

In addition, it provides insights as to how imbalances in different aspects of your energy system as a whole can contribute to any dis-ease.

EFT for the Acne Emotional Cause

I have my own twist on using EFT for physical issues, and this is what it would like like for the following issues:

Setup: Even though I may have this acne problem and it may be the result of not accepting the self and a dislike for myself (Hay's words in orange), I deeply and completely accept myself, realizing that I am a Divine expression of life and I love and accept myself where I am right now.

By the way, not accepting the self and a dislike for myself may remind you of something that is going on with you and you can also use that event in the setup phrase. If you're having this issue, feel free to be more specific in your setup phrase if you are so aware.

“Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this unacceptance and dislike for myself ", Side of Eye: "deleting the dislike ", Under Eye: "deleting any unacceptance and dislike for myself", Under Nose: "deleting the unacceptance of myself ", Chin: "deleting any emotional reasons for my acne", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue.

“Insert” round of tapping: EB: “I am a divine expression of life ", SE: "healing the acne emotional cause ", UE: "I love and accept myself where I am right now", UN: "healing this acne", CH: "inserting love and acceptance of where I am right now", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that "insert" a feeling of well being.

I have seen a lot of different underlying emotional causes for acne in my work. For example, in a session with a client, I saw her with a bit in her mouth and face turning red, indicating she was suppressing angry words.

In my work, the first thing I do is look for the inciting incident that initiated the creation of acne in your experience. Then I look at the effect that had on your energy field, which oftentimes tells me exactly the emotional cause of acne. I also look for the mindset that causes the problem to persist. Your spirit is trying to tell you something by creating the physical problem. The mindset that has been established as a result of the inciting incident is suppressing gifts / strengths / abilities that are meant to take you in a wonderful direction! I also look to see what that is, in addition to looking for the truth that would be more empowering and clears up the spots in your life and on your face. A standard healing session will also include a few more Matrix Energetics tricks I have up my sleeve to help you make the shift/transformation you're looking for.

To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of your acne and to understand your own inner process, I recommend getting my book at thetransformativereading.com.
the transformative reading

I highly recommend learning to transform ALL your challenges and problems by using The Secret Formula. The Secret Formula iPhone app (sorry, not yet available on other phones) is the easiest way to do this. Plug in the aspects of your problem into the formula, send your request to the universe and watch the amazing shifts that occur! Consciousness 101 will give you even more tools for becoming conscious, spiritually aware and enlightened, my book, "How to Give an Intuitive Reading for Transformation" will provide very detailed information on how to get to the core of any "problem", including an acne problem.

If you need still need help, I am here for you. In a psychic reading / healing session, I will do the work described in my book, releasing the energy of the incident as well as healing its effects. This will create positive transformation in some unexpected areas of your life as well!

In another example, when clairvoyantly viewing the causes of acne in different client, I saw an image of her spreading peanut butter on a slice of bread. Although healing was sent to the pattern and her acne disappeared, it came back when she ate peanut butter again, so in this case the message was to stop eating peanut butter. However, deeper healing can be achieved by using the same process on the sensitivity to peanut butter, finding out where that comes from, etc.

What is so cool and so awesome and why I love this work is that these patterns can be manipulated energetically and the ultimate result is transformation in so many areas of your life! There is a reason why you experience physical issues such as this and when those reasons are healed, it's amazing how other aspects of your life are healed as well!

Neutralizing negative emotions and healing the emotional cause of any problem is the first step in transforming it. Please see my Services page to learn of the many ways I might be able to assist you on your journey.

If you'd help in learning the emotional cause and other underlying contributors to your acne and to start transforming your acne problem right away, I recommend a Psychic Healing Session and you can purchase and schedule your session directly at schedulesundibright.com. To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of any excess fat and to understand your own inner process, I suggest getting my book.

In addition to 20+ years of personal study, I have been trained & certified in the modalities listed below:

Sundi M. Bright
Psychic / Medium / Healer / Law-of-Attraction Coach

Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.

  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner
  • Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic / Medium
  • EFT Cert-I Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic Counselor
  • Certified Angel Card Reader™
  • Certified Realm Reader™
  • Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
  • Ordained Minister



the transformative reading

Learn about how an Intuitive Reading / Healing session with me works to help you transform your situation. This short book gives details about my format, helping you to understand your own inner process and gain maximum benefit from any healing work you may give or receive.

Matrix Energetics Logo certified psychic medium EFT certified International association of past life therapists Certified Angel Intuitive certified angel card reader realm reader certificate reconnective healing and the reconnection past life training ministry logo

I hope to have the opportunity to assist you on your journey!