Transformational Healing Form

aka The Probleminator 

This process can help you transform negative experiences into positive ones by integrating the shadow and obtaining the power meant for you in the situation.  

Manifestation Request / Transformation Form

These form questions summarize a  process designed to help you get to the core of any imbalance for the purpose of processing it in a way that leads to healing, transformation and the manifestation of all that you desire. If you’re doing this on a regular basis, I recommend starting by considering what you’re grateful for despite any ‘problem’, noticing what has or is shifting since last time. You may even want to have a notebook or journal designated for gratitude and noticing. 

Click on the numbers (1-6) or section headers  to get more information on each step.

A pdf version of this information can be downloaded at   

There is also a long version of this outline available at probleminator.html.   

Part 1: Determine your 'problem' vibration

If you were to look at this problem as an obstacle or challenge that gives you extra 'power' on your path to enlightenment/ascension/your-desire when you work through it, how would you describe it? Notice how you describe the symptoms of any physical problem as they are often a clue as to the inner process that is manifesting in your 3D experience.

If a situation has triggered negative emotions, those negative emotions may indicate your overall vibration.  Instead of looking at the person or situation as wrong or bad, look at it as the trigger that it is, awakening the pattern within you that wants to be transformed so that you can advance along your path.  When did you first feel this way?  If you didn’t already feel inadequate (for example), you wouldn’t have reacted the way that you did, or the situation wouldn't have occurred at all.  Consider the negative emotions a wake up call that something deep within you is looking to be healed so that you can achieve all that you desire.

Part 2: Determine your aligned vibration

How can you see the power in moving through or around the problem/challenge/obstacle? If you knew what ability it was enhancing or intending to create in you, what would that be? In other words, what ability, skill and/or attitude would be needed to create your desire? If this were a movie script you were writing, what would you learn from the 'problem' and how would you use that knowledge to create a happy ending? Once you have imagined that scenario, see that happy ending in your mind. You must know what you want and that you can have it in order for it to manifest in the realm of physicality.  If you feel resistance when you are imagining what you want, move through the resistance with the feeling of strength and facing your fears until you get information about the block or until you can be fully in the feeling of having your desire.    

Describe your gratitude in the form of an I AM statement, such as "I AM grateful to be experiencing [my hearts desire]"   Gratitude that feels like satisfaction is better than gratitude that feels like you didn't deserve it in the first place, so be careful here.   

Part 3: Get Help from the Universe

For example: "If I were to experience/create/receive/manifest my desire, how would that happen?" This question prompts the universe to guide you as to your part in your creation. Note that from the place of being your true self, you manifest with ease.

You’ve just asked a question that initiates Divine guidance as to what you do to make this happen. I recommend keeping a journal of synchronicities and other guidance that you receive as you move through this process. Remember not to resist what comes up and if you do feel resistance to some experience, remember to come back to this form to work through it or use my more similfied process to track and neutralize resistance.

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