I am grateful to my clients that have supplied a testimonial. Healing sessions can be very personal so when a client offers a testimonial, it is very much appreciated. In some cases, the following clients have offered to be references so if you would like to contact them regarding their experience, please let me know. If they have made this offer, I will forward you their contact information.

Wendy (in Australia), who had a session to work on a financial block writes: “I am feeling a lot 'lighter' and very positive about a few things that have come up just in the past week - I'm taking on a work place course next week which is paid for by my employer, and I'm quietly confident that once I have this new qualification it will lead to a salary increase for me! I have found that 'lack' thoughts have completely gone, which is just brilliant! Thanks again for your healing - you're amazing!” If you're familiar with the law-of-attraction, you know that feelings of lack will surely block you from abundance. Wendy wrote back after a couple of weeks with this news: "I just wanted to let you know that I got the salary increase, and it surpassed my wildest expectations! I'm so happy about it! Thanks again for all your help!"

"For as long as I can remember, I have had the classic and nagging fear of what others thought of me. I was the type who worried if I even slightly disappointed another person no matter who they were. I could easily spend days berating myself for some social misstep or perceived embarrassment. I could go on with examples of my social anxiety, peer comparison and feelings of inadequacy. I won't. Suffice it to say waking up in the mornings with instant panic attacks and experiencing so much fear was a burden and a roadblock to successful living.
Sundi helped me to break down that brick wall and it is the most liberating feeling. I can and still do practice EFT on my own but it was the companionship of Sundi Bright that made the difference for me!" -Donna K.

"I have experienced meridian therapies, with positive outcomes, from a number of practitioners. I am happy to say that Sundi has developed what I find to be a uniquely fluid and creative approach. Add to this the extraordinary insight, direction and acceptance she brings to sessions, and deep level change is facilitated to come about with grace." -Steve R.

"One thing that really stands out is that it is easier for me to maintain an upbeat attitude as I feel there is something positive up ahead and I need to be ready for it" -Vern P.

"I’ve noticed a subtle difference in my response to a couple family members in two instances. Not only my response, but my feeling after the response. For example, less fear in saying what I want to say or asking for what I need. It’s very subtle but the feeling is empowering and actually exciting because the more I’m able to be myself (and be OK with it) the free-er I feel. Yes!
In addition, I've been able to manifest an incredible new opportunity to live overseas. It’s a good example of being open to the answers…I wanted to not have to work. To be provided for. To focus on my son and for him to have the education he deserves. To have time to find myself. And to fall in love with my husband again and more. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! Almost everything over there! My son will go to an International School and learn another language." - C. Noble - Washington

"Less pain!" - Sue G. - New York

"Sundi, I want you to know that the Bright Future Workbook is having a profound effect on my life. Besides benefiting from the exercises, it seems that reading your material has helped me open up to the Universe as I never imagined I could possibly do again. AND although I've worked with EFT for several years, it's working for me like never before. Your material is beyond fantastic! :o)" - Sue W

"I started using the Bright Future Workbook about 6 weeks and have seen big transformations in my life..." - Cliff - Orange County, CA

"I am a trained doctoral level therapist who has used cognitive behavioral therapy for years with patients, and for the most part found it very helpful, however, your system seems to be the easiest, most sane, logical and least trendy or gimicky system I have found and am so excited what it might I can do for my patients but most of all (selfishly) for myslef I am forever grateful." - Lynne - New York

Lorraine called after freezing up for the 2nd day of a 3 day training, doing work required in a training she had traveled to attend. She said she never followed through on anything she did and had wasted a lot of money. We only worked for about 15 minutes on the phone. Here is what she said the following day about her results:
"Thank you so very much for helping me yesterday. Today was excellent! I even talked to my mom after class today and told her why I was in sacramento and she totally supported me [when she never had in the past]. We had a great conversation!
I made my calls with ease today and I generally felt light all day. I felt adequate and capable in all ways throughout the day." - Lorraine - Detroit
