Cellulite - Healing the Emotional Cause

Cellulite - Healing the Emotional Cause

Becoming aware of the subconscious patterns contributing to any problem can help you overcome it

Cellulite - Healing the Emotional Cause

Healing the emotional cause of cellulite is the first step in creating conditions that smooth the skin and anything else going on in your life.

As a psychic healer, I have found that many physical problems have a contributing emotional cause and this is is a good example. I have found that there is an emotional cause of cellulite or at least, is a contributing factor.

In my work, the first thing I do is look for the inciting incident that initiated the creation of the cellulite. Then I look at the effect that had on your energy field, which oftentimes tells me exactly the emotional cause of the cellulite. I also look for the mindset that causes the problem to persist. Your spirit is trying to tell you something by creating the physical problem. The mindset that has been established as a result of the inciting incident is suppressing gifts/strengths/abilities that are meant to take you in a wonderful direction! I also look to see what that is, in addition to looking for the truth that would be more empowering and creates smoothness in your life in general! An Energetic Beauty Treatment session will also include a few more Matrix Energetics tricks I have up my sleeve to help you make the shift/transformation you're looking for. For example, in the case of cellulite, I have seen the cells grasping for light and holding onto fat and water in the process. When light is sent to the cells, the fat and water is released!

To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of your eczema and to understand your own inner process, get my book.

By utilizing an effective tool called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), you can clear up the emotional cause of cellulite that is at the root of the problem, therefore conquering the first step in healing the physical issue.

The EFT statements below utilize Louise Hay's emotional interpretation of the physical problem and may help you. If the indicated emotional cause of cellulite does not resonate with you, you likely have your own personal reasons for this affliction and I can find those reasons in a clairvoyant transformative healing session. Here is a testimonal from a client who had been plagued with this problem since adolescence along with another who noticed the results before she realized I did her session a day early.

EFT works best when you know the core emotional cause of cellulite in your unique, special circumstances.

My free eBook not only teaches you the EFT technique, but also contains a secret method that will help you discover what the core emotional cause is.

In addition, it provides insights as to how imbalances in different aspects of your energy system as a whole can contribute to any dis-ease.

EFT for the Emotional Cause of Cellulite

I have my own twist on using EFT for the emotional cause of cellulite based on what Louise Hay says, and this is what it looks like:

Setup: Even though I may have this cellulite and it may be the result of stored anger and self-punishment (Hay's words in orange), I deeply and completely accept myself, I forgive others, I forgive myself and give myself permission to be free to love and enjoy life.

By the way, stored anger and self-punishment may remind you of something that is going on with you and you can also use your own words in the setup phrase if they make more sense. If the phrase "I forgive others, I forgive myself and give myself permission to be free to love and enjoy life" feels uncomfortable to you, The Bright Future Workbook can be very beneficial to helping you learn the power of creating abundance in your life by using my special formula to create the forgiveness, love and gratitude that attracts the things to you that you want in life.

“Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this stored anger and self-punishment", Side of Eye: "deleting this anger", Under Eye: "clearing this self-punishment ", Under Nose: "deleting the stored anger and self-punishment", Chin: "deleting any emotional reasons for my cellulite ", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue.

“Insert” round of tapping: EB: “I forgive others, I forgive myself", SE: "disolving this stored fat ", UE: "I am free to love and enjoy life ", UN: "disolving this stored fat ", CH: "inserting love and joy into my life ", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that "insert" a feeling of well being.

If you are not familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), none of this will make sense to you. I hope you will take a few minutes to learn about a powerful procedure that cannot only help you neutralize the emotional cause of cellulite, but change your life in many ways. Download my free eBook to learn more.

If you need help determining your emotional cause of cellulite or if there are other factors contributing to the problem, a distance healing session is recommended. In a healing session, I can find the patterns that have caused any problem, look for related contributing history, and send healing to those patterns in addition to sending healing to the physical issue itself. This may result in a complete healing as a cascade of healing energy coming forth from the time the problem started until the present moment.

What is so cool and so awesome and why I love this work is that these patterns can be manipulated energetically and the ultimate result is transformation in so many areas of your life! There is a reason why you experience physical issues such as this and when those reasons are healed, it's amazing how other aspects of your life are healed as well!

If you'd help in learning the emotional cause of your cellulite and to start transforming your cellulite problem, I recommend a Psychic Healing Session and you can purchase and schedule your session directly at schedulesundibright.com. To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of your cellulite and to understand your own inner process, get my book!

Neutralizing negative emotions and healing the emotional cause of cellulite or any other problem is the first step in transforming it. Please see my Services page to learn of the many ways I might be able to assist you on your journey.

Cellulite Testimonials:

I contacted Sundi for a cellulite problem that had been increasing over the last couple of months.

Around two days after our session, the cellulite started to disappear. Now, two weeks after our session, the cellulite is almost completely gone and I am convinced that I will soon have the smooth legs I desire.

More than ever, I now realize how our conscious and subconscious beliefs and thoughts are affecting our physical health. (Full Testimonial)

—Manon, Netherlands


"Sundi has an amazing gift. With this reading she picked up on issues from years back that I had forgotten about. She got ages and issues 100% correct. She even pinpointed areas on my body that I hadn't specifically mentioned that I had longstanding concerns with. Overall I am so pleased and she brought me a wonderful sense of relief that I truly can and will get better.
Immediately even after our intro session, I had feelings of happiness and relief that I have not experienced before. I also had feelings of strong 'shooting' chills throughout my body, something I have never felt before - so I knew without a doubt that something substantial was happening.
I feel such a sense of peace and relief! Sundi worked with my energy in a way that I don't even feel such a strong attachment to the final outcomes I was hoping for - somehow I just feel they really are going to happen. That is such an enormous relief! There is no question I don't feel as uptight or impatient as I did. While I do want the changes to happen, I have a feeling that they WILL now, instead of me just constantly 'hoping'." - Sonja

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"My concern was the cellulite I have adopted over the years, "out of nowhere." I was told my reading would be done on a Tuesday. Monday morning I awoke refreshed & off to the beach I went. "Hmmmmm" I wondered, "my cellulite is disappearing & I see definition in my legs I have not seen in years, hmmmmm." I returned home to an email from Sundi, she did the healing Monday! I was amazed!!!
Sundi was able to accurately pinpoint ages and specific events in my life where I had "stuck" energy. With the information, along with the energy release, I have experienced self-forgiveness and gratitude. And Lovingly letting it go. As a secondary benefit, I have noticed that I am genuinely softer toward myself. This has created a knowing that me as spirit and the little magic I share here & there is much more important than my dislike of the cellulite. :)"- Liz, Hawaii

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I would love to assist you on your journey.

Love & Light,

Sundi M. Bright
Psychic / Medium / Shaman / Law-of-Attraction Coach

Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.

  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner
  • Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic / Medium
  • EFT Cert-I Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic Counselor
  • Certified Angel Card Reader™
  • Certified Realm Reader™
  • Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
  • Ordained Minister

the transformative reading


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