Transformational Healing Form

Transformational Healing Form

Completing this form initiates the process of healing that leads to transformation

Transformational Healing Form

In order to connect with your energy field, I do need some personal information from you along with the details of what you want to transform.

Sessions are designed to discover and heal the underlying patterns that contribute to the creation of one specific issue. You may experience transformation in many areas of your life when working on the one issue, but please complete the form based on one "problem" you most want to transform or one desire you wish to manifest.

By completing this form, you should see significant shifts even before I do the energy work. It will also demonstrate how this formula can help you experience positive shifts in any area of your life you find uncomfortable or to be a problem. Not all of the fields are required, but the more complete you are in the form (as it relates to one issue you want to focus on in this session), the more insights you may have and the awareness will help create more of a shift.

Click on the numbers (1-6) to get a better idea of why these question are asked and how you can use this process in your life to transform problems and manifest what you desire.     

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

- I don't. Please tune in offline and email me a report of the reading/healing
- Over the phone. I will call you at 949-295-6135 at given time
- Via Skype. I will contact you at sundi.bright at given time.

If you were to look at this problem as an obstacle or challenge that gives you extra 'power' on your path to enlightmentment/ascension/your-desire when you work through it, how would you describe it? Notice how you describe the symptoms of physical problem as they are often a clue as to the inner process that is manifesting in your 3D experience.
If a situation has triggered negative emotions, those negative emotions may indicate your overall vibration.  Instead of looking at the person or situation as wrong or bad, look at it as the trigger that it is, awakening the pattern within you that wants to be transformed so that you can advance along your path.  If you didn’t already feel inadequate (for example), you wouldn’t have reacted the way that you did to a situation, or the situation wouldn't have occured at all.  Consider the negative emotions a wake up call that something deep within you is looking to be healed so that you can achieve all that you desire.
I recommend that when you state your desire, you let go of analyzing why you have the ‘problem’ or what you think you “should” want. State what you want in terms of the physical. You can gain quite a lot of insights when you recognize any resistance in stating what you actually want, physically, that is not what the problem is. It’s okay to state how you want to feel, but I recommend that in addition to stating your physical desire. Not defining what you actually want is part of the reason you have the problem (with the exception of over-attachment to an outcome/desire ), but in forcing yourself to do so, you may see why you resist it in the first place. Also, try not to mention the ‘problem’, as in not having the problem.
What you do here is you imprint your desire onto the vast field of potential, so make this count! Be clear on what you want and express gratitude as if you already have it. A record is imprinted in the ethers when you do so and in your session, I access this record and add energy that will increase it's density so as to solidify it on the physical realm, connecting you to it after I have cleared energy that blocks it from manifesting and add energy that moves you closer to it.
For example: "If my vibration were to match my desire, what would I need to let go of?" This question prompts the universe to guide you as to your part in your creation. Note that from the place of being your true self, you manifest with ease.
You’ve just asked a question that initiates Divine guidance as to what you do to make this happen. I recommend keeping a journal of syncronicities and other guidance that you receive as you move through this process. Remember not to resist what comes up and if you do feel resistance to some experience, step back and observe rather than being caught up in fear or other negative emotions.

Please enter the word that you see below.